Glossier Boy Brow and Brow Flick – Worth Your Money?

Over the past few months, the brand Glossier has completely taken over my newsfeed. Their ‘barely there’ makeup aesthetic and ‘cool girl’ vibe is something to intrigue any makeup-lover (cue me) and offers a natural look way out of my full-coverage comfort zone. 

But the main Glossier trend that has caught my eye recently is their natural bushy brows.

Brows, as anyone who follows my blog will know, are a precious topic to me. I’ve been through hell and back to get my super blonde brows in a somewhat respectable place and I’ve now formed a faultless brow routine to achieve Insta-ready arches (look at ‘My Latest Everyday Eyebrow Routine‘ post for more details).

But when the biggest event of my week is the ASDA shop, mega carved brows seem a little OTT – even by my standards. Hence, when I saw these beautiful Glossier models working full but minimal brows, I had to investigate further. 


From looking at their website, it seems both the ‘Boy Brow‘ and ‘Brow Flick‘ products are Glossier’s answer to such effortless brows. Brow Flick is a coloured felt-tip pen and Boy Brow is a coloured eyebrow gel. These products come in a handy bundle on Glossier’s website, priced at £25 for the two (saving £4) – which I think is a fair price point.

So, to test out this new eyebrow trend and see if their products are worth the money, I jumped on the Glossier bandwagon and ordered the bundle. 


Once the products arrived, I was really impressed with Glossier’s packaging. They came in a cute pink resealable bag, with a Glossier sticker and free sample (which you pick when ordering).

This may seem excessive to the everyday user – “why do I need a sticker and fancy packaging, I’m only going to throw it away?”. But, for someone who proudly LOVES stickers (they are plastered all over my laptop), I think this is a cute and savvy marketing strategy to make me feel like I’m getting more for my money. Smart, smart, smart.

However, in terms of the products’ size, I was left quite underwhelmed. I expected Boy Brow to be WAY bigger (a few uses and this will be gone) and though Brow Flick was slightly better sized, for the money, they both should be a lot bigger.

BROW FLICK: Having tried a fair few brow pens in my time and experienced some mixed results (a fond favourite is Primark’s pen which turned my eyebrows green), I was super intrigued to try this product.

To my delight, Glossier’s Brow Flick (I bought the blonde shade) did not disappoint. The tip is super small and the consistency of the product is quite thin, meaning you can create lighter hairs and darker hairs (with more or less applied pressure) for a realistic look.

However, achieving a perfect brow straightaway is only for the mega-talented – you need Jedi knowledge of the required pressure and a steady hand, hence this did take a lot of attempts to master.

But, now I’ve got into the groove I absolutely LOVE this product. The colour is perfect for my hair tone and with some precisely placed lines, I can still create my signature clean-cut shape.

Therefore, Brow Flick gets 5/5 stars from me!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

BOY BROW: For me, this product was also a winner. The colour was perfect and it both filled in the areas I missed with the pen and created a bushy texture to my brows – perfecting that natural(ish) look.

However, my only issue with this product is its longevity. I have found when I wear Boy Brow for a whole day (8+ hours), its brushed-up hold starts to drop and the brows lose their textured appearance.

Therefore, Boy Brow gets 4.5/5 stars.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

And finally, here is a side-by-side comparison of me before and after using Glossier’s brow products – I AM IN LOVE! I think I have found my new everyday brow routine, leaving my super carved brows for night-out glam only. I’m a changed woman!

Thank you all for reading and if you liked this review, then please subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out on any new makeup content!


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